Wednesday, January 27, 2010

trick! gimme muh money!!! (lol)

I think I got jipped when I paid for my parking pass.

Parking pass- $105
Tickets I should have paid-$90
Void 1 ticket- -$45
Subtotal- $150
-$5 I left in my car- $145
Lady says I can pay half price for ticket- $122.50
I'm out $22.50 (I think)

Or am I? Had to pay it anyways, right?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

what do you represent?

What is the profile of the average minority student in a PWI? Talented 10th or quota standards?
as I'm sitting in my University's Student Union trying to raise money for Haitian relief efforts, I stop trying to flag people down to push money into my team's decorated Timberland box and I spend about 45 minutes "people watching". I notice that my PWI (primarily white institution) was not as diverse as they make it look online or in info packets.
So I'm sitting there watching the hundreds of white/caucasian LOOKING people (there's no way to look at everyone and KNOW their background) and its easy to pick out people and group them into high school cliques... There are the techies, skaters, goths/darkies, populars, artsy types divided into actors, dancers, photographers, graphic designers, and of course the lames.

Then I see one "Black" female. She has on camel Uggs, black leggings, an oversized sweater, a pea coat and Coach purse in hand, and a BAD (defined as "not good") dark brown armpit/mid back length fluffy curly wig thingy. I think to myself "really?"

Next I spot a "Black" male student. I automatically assume he's in a NPHC fraternity because he is clean cut, has on a button down shirt, knee legnth pea coat, dress pants with a belt and nice shoes. He walks with a suttle confidence as he dissapears into the crowd of white faces. As I notice all the white faced young men strolling along I take note of the gross amount of Timberlands, over sized Tees, and baggy jeans. Thinking to myself, I ask, "isn't that the "black" look?" I understand its ignorance on my part to say something like this, but isn't it true?

After a while of sitting here observing and inwardly judging people, my caucasian teammate, Justin, joins me at the table. We exchange greetings and are approached by someone i consciously placed in the "artsy" clique of my mental high school quad. The person drops some coinage into our box and walks away.

The rest of my time sitting at the table in the student union, I pick out a few more "Black" students while trying to guess their level of "Blackatude". This experience brought to questions to mind:

1) Do I need to do a Tyra Show social experiment?
2) Do the African American -scratch that- the Ethnic minorities-scratch that- MINORITIES (Black, African, African American, Indian, West Indian, Asian, Native American, Pacific Islanders, Arabian, physically handicapped, mentally disabled, etc) who are accepted to PWIs the exeption in their homes, communities, cultures? Do they represent a people who were never given a chance to excel and are now being handed a "great" opportunity? Are WE, in our own right, a "Talented 10th" because of our extremely small numbers?

Or are we here to fill quotas? a number? A salary payer?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ignorance or Self Indentity?

Ever since i was young, my traditional Guyanese family has always talked down "Black" people. As a result, I have shyed away from refering to myself and other Caribbean/ West Indian people as "Black" people. On applications that ask for race or ethnicity information, I ALWAYS check the "OTHER" box and write Caribbean or Guyanese.

I dont refer to myself as being "African- American" or "Black". why? Because in my mind and the minds of my family members, our roots are in Guyana- NOT Africa.

(*SB* Please dont confuse GUYANA with GHANA... i get offended. its like calling a Japanese Chinese.)
I understand the history of the Diaspora- dont get me wrong... I just dont identify with the whole "African- American" title. In my eyes, I am an American-Guyanese or Caribbean/ West Indian individual.

Do you think this is ignorance on my behalf or am i accepting my own view of my self- identity?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Leave the Dramatics for the Actors

Im the type of girl that avoids DRAMA at all costs. I absolutely hate it. but some how, some way it seems to find me.

Im in this class now thats a melting pot of all different types of people. You have your non traditional students, straight outta high school students, black students, white students, hard core rock music lovers, and everything in between. Well, this past month has been a rollercoaster ride for me because im trying to settle into a niche that i dont seem to belong in. Its like tryna put an oval into a circle hole.

bUt anyways... In this clas its like MOST* of the Black/ African American females are straight HOOD. dont get me wrong, Im from the hood, but im not one for tattooing my baby daddy's name smack dab in the middle of my chest, ya feel me? Im very laid back, optimistic, black valley girl type-ah person. Well these females tried to come at me all wreckless and I had to put them in their place- REAL quick. dont talk BS about me behind my back (literally, the seat behind me) and assume you bout to run all over me cuz i dont talk with everyone. im there to get my credentials and get out. im not there to make friends- i got those already. just cuz i articulate my words when speaking with the instructor doesnt mean im weak, or that i think im better than you... blah blah blah. I had to turn around and let chick have it! lol

i simply told her that she doesnt know me or my story and that she needs to stop her ignorant behaviour immediately because its not becoming. and i did it while i was wearing Tims, a hoodie, and bamboo earrings. I may be more educated than more people in this room, but dont undermine my intelligence (or my ghetto girl status for that matter). i can snap my neck and smack my lips with the best of them and have a conversation using words you could only dream of knowing how to pronounce. Lets get it together as Black/ African American/ Minority women and try to uplift each other, NOT pull each other down.

Happy New Year!
Drea xoxox
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